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Questões de Inglês - ENEM PPL | Gabarito e resoluções

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Questão 1

(ENEM PPL - 2020) Of the 7.2 Billion People on Earth, 2015. Disponvel em: www.washingtonpost.com. Acesso em: 18 ago. 2017. Considerando a relao entre o nmero de habitantes e de lnguas faladas no mundo, os dados trazidos pelo infogrfico revelam uma

Questão 2

(ENEM PPL - 2020) Disponvel em: www.cartoonstock.com. Acesso em: 21 ago. 2017. Considerando-se o uso difundido do ingls na atualidade, o cartum remete

Questão 3

(ENEM PPL - 2020) Study: Literary Criticism Is Still Overwhelmingly Male By Zach Schonfeld Women writers are all over the best-seller lists, but literary criticism is still predominantly a male field. Thats according to the latest numbers from the volunteer organization VIDA: Women in the Literary Arts, which works for gender and racial parity in the literary world. This years report covers prestigious publications like The New York Review of Books, which published 227 male reviewers last year but only 54 female reviewers, and The London Review of Books, which published 146 male critics and 44 women during the same period. The Paris Review made great strides toward gender parity in 2013, the report notes, but then slid and published substantially fewer women than men in 2014. As The Guardian points out, those figures are especially striking when you consider that women are more avid readers than men in the U.K., where some of the biggest offenders are based. The figures are not all disheartening. Major magazines like The New Yorker, The Atlantic and Harpers all showed increases in the number of women published in 2014. That data are valuable (without VIDA, the figures would likely go untallied), and the broader awareness even more so. Top editors likely know gender disparity is an issue, but theyre more likely to pay attention to it when an organization like VIDA is paying attention to them. SCHONFELD, Z. Disponvel em: www.newsweek.com. Acesso em: 15 abr. 2015 (adaptado). No texto, o autor lana mo de palavras como literary , male e female para apresentar uma matria jornalstica cujo tema est relacionado ao()

Questão 4

(ENEM PPL - 2020) Most people know of the Karen people from television documentaries, magazines and encyclopedias as the long-neck or giraffe tribe. But the women who wear these brass rings on their neck belong to a sub-group of the Karen known as the Padaung. Whatever the origin of the custom one of the more common reasons it continues today, particularly in Thailand, is tourism. Although the Padaung have migrated to Thailand in only the last ten years, they have become the most popular attraction for hill-tribe trekking tourists. Some have written of this as exploitation of the Padaung; many westerners liken the experience of visiting one of these villages to visiting a human zoo. Some tour operators in Thailand now refuse to take tourists into such villages, while some tourists boycott those operators that do. Disponvel em: www.peoplesoftheworld.org. Acesso em: 8 dez. 2017. O texto que versa sobre a prtica do uso de argolas no pescoo por mulheres de uma tribo que migrou para a Tailndia tem por finalidade

Questão 5

(ENEM PPL - 2020) In contemporary black popular culture, rap music has become one of the spaces where black vernacular speech is used in a manner that invites dominant mainstream culture to listen to hear and, to some extent, be transformed. However, one of the risks of this attempt at cultural translation is that it will trivialize black vernacular speech. When young white kids imitate this speech in ways that suggest it is the speech of those who are stupid or who are only interested in entertaining or being funny, then the subversive power of this speech is undermined. HOOKS, B. Teaching to Transgress. New York: Routledge, 1994. De acordo com Bell Hooks, intelectual negra estadunidense, o poder subversivo do rap consiste na possibilidade de

Questão 1

(ENEM PPL - 2019) O infogrfico aborda a importncia do ingls para os negcios. Nesse texto, as expresses but e yet only evidenciam

Questão 2

(ENEM PPL - 2019) Classifying Philip and Annie wear glasses and so do Jim and Sue, but Jim and Sue have freckles, and Tracey and Sammy too. Philip and Jim are in boys group but Philip is tall like Sam whilst Jim is small like Tracey and Sue and Clare and Bill and Fran. Sue is in Guides and football whilst Helen fits in most things except shes a girl and quite tall. Jenny is curly and blonde and short whilst Sally is curly but dark; Jenny likes netball, writing and maths but Sally likes no kind of work. Philip and Sam are both jolly, Frans best for a quiet chat: now I have freckles, like joking, am tall, curly, dark, in Guides, football and play penny whistles and the piano how do I fit into all that? NICHOLS, J. In: COLLIE, J.; LADOUSSE, G. Paths into Poetry. England: Oxford University Press, 1993. No poema Classifying, a escritora inglesa Judith Nichols compara vrias pessoas com o objetivo de

Questão 3

(ENEM PPL - 2019) NYPD 911 OPERATORS Opportunities as a Police Communications Technician Police Communications Technicians (911 Operators/ Radio Dispatchers) Starting Salary: $33,162 and can increase to $44,899 Requirements: Four year high school diploma. New York City residency is required within 90 days of appointment. Must be able to understand and be understood in English. Must pass a drug screening APPLICATION FEE: $47.00 - Payable on the day of the test. Disponvel em: www.nypdcivilianjobs.com. Acesso em: 17 out. 2013 Neste anncio de emprego no Departamento de Polcia da cidade de Nova Iorque, um dos requisitos para se preencher a vaga

Questão 4

(ENEM PPL - 2019) Englishman in New York I dont drink coffee I take tea my dear I like my toast done on one side And you can hear it in my accent when I talk Im an Englishman in New York See me walking down Fifth Avenue A walking cane here at my side I take it everywhere I walk Im an Englishman in New York [] Im an alien, Im a legal alien Im an Englishman in New York Im an alien, Im a legal alien Im an Englishman in New York Modesty, propriety can lead to notoriety You could end up as the only one Gentleness, sobriety are rare in this society At night a candles brighter than the sun STING. Nothing Like the Sun. Studio Album. United States: AM Records, 1987 (fragmento). Na letra da cano Englishman in New York, a fala do eu lrico evidencia uma atitude de

Questão 5

(ENEM PPL - 2019) The Power of Pictures by Vickie An In February, the group took a photography field trip to Haitis La Visite national park. A student holds up a lizard as her classmates snap away. Its said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Conservation photographer Robin Moore believes this. He especially believes that the stories photographs can tell about the environment can inspire people to care for the earth. It doesnt matter what language you speak or what culture you come from, because a photo can speak to everyone, Moore says. Thats the idea behind Frame of Mind. Moore cofounded the organization last year with environmental educator Deanna Del Vecchio and fellow nature photographer Neil Ever Osborne. The group is on a mission to help young people around the world connect with nature through photography workshops. In August 2011, Frame of Mind hosted its very first workshop with 20 youth journalists in Jacmel, Haiti. The workshop was held in partnership with Conservation International and Panos Caribbean. Each student was given a digital camera to use for the week and was taught how to use it. During the session, the kids learned about the local environment and how it relates to their lives. AN, V. Disponvel em: www.timeforkids.com. Acesso em: 1 maio 2012 (adaptado). Reconhecendo o potencial da fotografia como uma linguagem universal, a organizao mencionada intenciona levar


(ENEM PPL - 2018) Monks embrace web to reach recruits Stew Milne for The New York Times The Benedictine monks at the Portsmouth Abbey in Portsmouth have a problem. They are aging and their numbers have fallen to 12, from a peak of about 24 in 1969. So the monks have taken to the Internet with an elaborate ad campaign featuring videos, a blog and even a Gregorian chant ringtone. If this is the way the younger generation are looking things up and are communicating, then this is the place to be, said Abbot Caedmon Holmes, who has been in charge of the abbey since 2007. That place is far from the solitary lives that some may think monks live. In fact, in this age of social media, the monks have embraced what may be the most popular form of public self-expression: a Facebook page, where they have uploaded photos and video testimonials. Some monks will even write blogs. MILNE, S. Disponvel em: www.nytimes.com. Acesso em: 19 jun. 2012 (adaptado). A internet costuma ser um veculo de comunicao associado s camadas mais jovens da populao, embora no exclusivamente a elas. Segundo o texto, a razo que levou os religiosos a fazerem uma campanha publicitria na internet foi o(a)


(ENEM PPL - 2018) Pelas expressesdo it yourselfeHow-Tos, entende-se que a pesquisa realizada na pgina da internet revela uma busca por


(ENEM PPL - 2018) Which skin colour are you? The human swatch chart that confronts racism In 1933, in a book called The Masters and the Slaves, the Brazilian anthropologist Gilberto Freyre wrote: Every Brazilian, even the light-skinned, fair-haired one, carries about him on his soul, when not on soul and body alike, the shadow, or at least the birthmark, of the aborigine or the negro. This was forefront in the mind of the French artist Pierre David when he moved to Brazil in 2009. When I was in the streets, I could see so many skin colours, he says. He decided to make a human colour chart, like one you would find in the paint section of BQ shop, but showing the gradations and shades of our skin colour. The project, called Nuancier or swatches, was first shown at the Museu de Arte Moderna in Salvador Bahia, and is now on show in his native France. Brazil has a better attitude to skin colour than other developed nations, he says. Theres no doubt, because the concept of skin colour difference was recognised very early in their history. Now, it even appears on identity documents. Yet Nuancier, David says, is still a critique of racism, in Brazil and around the world. This work may seem provocative to classify men by colour, to industrially produce the colour of an individual so it can be store-bought. But this is a demonstration of the commodification of bodies. It denounces racism anywhere it is found in the world. SEYMOUR, T. Disponvel em: www.theguardian.com. Acesso em: 21 out. 2015 (adaptado). O artista francs Pierre David, ao evidenciar seu encantamento com a diversidade de cores de peles no Brasil, no projeto Nuancier, tambm


(ENEM PPL - 2018) Tendo em vista a procura por atividades de lazer em perodos de recesso escolar, esse flder


(ENEM PPL - 2018) Most people today have a mobile phone. In fact, many people cant imagine how they ever got along without a portable phone. However, many people also complain about cell phone users. People complain about other people loudly discussing personal matters in public places. They complain when cell phones ring in movie theaters and concert halls. They complain about people driving too slow, and not paying attention to where they are going because they are talking on a cell phone. And they complain about people walking around talking to people who arent there. Whenever a new communications technology becomes popular, it changes the way society is organized. Society has to invent rules for the polite way to use the new devices. Our social etiquette, our rules of politeness for cell phones, is still evolving. Disponvel em: www.indianchild.com. Acesso em: 28 fev. 2012 (adaptado). O uso de celulares em lugares pblicos tem sido prtica corrente. O texto aponta que essa prtica tem gerado

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